Welcome to our digital ‘Hub,’ a dynamic gateway to an extensive array of toolkits designed to enhance accessibility and optimize the utilization of NERC’s valuable data resources. Our primary focus is to establish a robust infrastructure supporting the real-time data architecture for the DSH (Digital Services Hub) developed at Newcastle University's Urban Observatory.
This testbed plays a pivotal role in providing real-time access to exemplar feeds. The data seamlessly flows through Apache NIFI, ensuring a resilient workflow and reporting system. Rigorous validation and error-checking processes are implemented before deploying the data into temporary storage. Subsequently, it is pushed out through a pub/sub model, making it available in easily consumable formats such as OGC WFS.
At present, our architecture is undergoing testing with a subset of real-time feeds. Notably, Environmental Agency (EA) data is accessible under the Open Government License v3.0, Met Office data is provided under an Open Government License, and British Geological Survey (BGS) data is licensed under the Open Government License. The materials from the British Geological Survey are copyrighted under UKRI [2023]. Additionally, Urban Observatory data is published under the Mozilla license.